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Coaching the Caregivers of the Chronically Ill: Mentally Ill, Physically Ill, and Disabled Persons


SKU: INR-9781138213999 Category: Tags: , , ,


This book focuses on how to best support, educate, and encourage the caregivers of chronically ill, mentally ill, and disabled persons. Using tools from coaching, psycho-educational, and systems perspectives, contributors tackle important issues that present in therapy, such as quality of life, financial problems, spiritual issues, compassion fatigue, and single-parenting. The second part of the book features experts in specific disorders detailing the main clinical issues that they see affecting those who care for persons with cognitive impairment, autism spectrum disorder, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, MS, structural physical disability, chronic pain, substance abuse, and more.

Editor: Freeman, Arthur, Editor: Ney, Richard, Editor: Cole, Patricia, Editor: Treft, Garry L

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1138213993
Language: English
Pages: 328