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Find Yourself: A Self-Therapy Workbook


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Find Yourself A Self-Therapy Workbook How many times, as we’re growing up, do people ask us, “So what do you want to be when you grow up?” It seems so simple then… you name a few traditional careers, and you think that’s the answer. However, the real answer is, “WHO do you want to be?” and there is no official “when you grow up” date set. When you’re in a new group setting, whether it be a workplace, a class, a church group, or a social setting, there’s frequently an icebreaker activity with another simple question: “So tell us about yourself.” Do you know exactly what to say, or do you flounder somewhat? Do you state what you do for a living, or your marital status and how many kids you have, or maybe your age, and then wonder what to say beyond that? This workbook is designed to help answer the question, “Who are you?” as well as similar questions like, “Who do you want to be?” and “Tell us about yourself.” Once you’ve worked through this workbook, you should be more clearly on your way to knowing who you are now, where you want to get to as a person, and how you plan on getting there. Think of this workbook, and the exercises within, a little bit like a road map. At the beginning we will mark the “You are Here” spot, and figure out exactly where you are and what that means. Then we’ll work together to find the “Where would you like to end up?” spot on the map. And in between will be all of the stops you’d like to make, you need to make, and you’ll find yourself making, in order to get from point A to point B. Hopefully you’ll also learn that the trip, the experience, is as valuable as reaching the destination.

Author: Morgan, Amy S

Topic: New Age / Body, Mind & Spirit
Media: Book
ISBN: 1449924174
Language: English
Pages: 82

Additional information

Weight 0.4 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 7.99 × 0.17 in


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