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Neural Suitcase Tells the Tales of Many Minds


SKU: INR-9781482834901 Category: Tags: , , , ,


The book is about the mind. The most interesting interdisciplinary conversations and the best idea sessions are held inside our mind. The mind is our neural suitcase. Our neural suitcase tells the tales of so many minds. The tales are beautiful, moral, vulnerable, quiet, chaotic, hungry, obese, real, fictional, memorable, forgetful, creative, curious, humorous, trustworthy, biased, wise, foolish, friendly, hateful, meaningful, blind, and questioning. The mind also builds castles in the air. It is for us to put foundations under these castles. It is for us to pack our neural suitcase carefully. Our questioning mind asks many interesting questions, such as: Should we design a perfect mind? Why does time have no mind of its own? Why is it hard to walk straight? Why do we make deliberate mistakes? Why is boredom not for everyone? What is the right dose of grief? Why is poison not always poisonous? Should we always hate our enemy? Why are memoirs fabricated? Why we are not totally dishonest? Why are all worries not worth worrying? Why shall some questions remain unresolved forever? The book is about the mind of a teacher, a mother, a beautiful woman, a gossiper, a liar, a fool, a corrupt person, a winner, etc.

Author: Ghosh, Purnendu

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1482834901
Language: English
Pages: 292

Additional information

Weight 0.87 lbs
Dimensions 9.02 × 5.98 × 0.61 in


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