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Work Your Way Out with a Pendulum: A Guidebook on How to Breakthrough Old Trauma and Redesign New Lifestyle



Dear Reader, Are you feeling out of control over the events that are taking place in your life? Are you tired of the unresolved issues taking place over and over again? Are you dissatisfied with the things going on in your life and want to have a position to command and control your life situations? Do you feel overwhelmed and victimized by the people and surroundings that are unsuitable and mismatch for you and your potential? Do you wish to breakthrough old trauma and redesign new lifestyle? Do you want to get rid of a toxic person, place or thing, event, condition, pattern or situation? Do you wish to change and transform your life radically and miraculously? Do you want to build boundaries and grow your prosperity and abundance? Do you wish to raise your energy, frequency and vibration to the highest best level? Do you wish to be free from low frequency events, conditions, patterns, people and things? Do you want to craft a new life and get over old life and bad relationships? If the answer is YES, then this is the right book that you need in order to dig out the pattern that is responsible for your life situations and heal it from its root, core and point of origin so it has no ground to take place and your problem is solved by creating and birthing a new pattern that can benefit and serve your highest good and greatest joy. After all we are all the creators of our life. Welcome to this journey spiritual empowerment and high frequency tuning and tapping through a pendulum. This groundbreaking pendulum book will guide you to:1.Discover the magic of metaphysical healing through the esoteric science of manifestation. 2.Maximize your positivity and build a strong foundation for high frequency.3.Discover the secret to love and manifesting the ideal relationships and career.4.Clear subconscious blocks that are stopping you from achieving your dreams.5.Transform old beliefs into new beliefs that serve your highest good.6.Astrologically heal, resolve, fix and find the remedy to a problem.7.Create a spiritual business mindset to materialize inner spiritual wealth.8.Remove sabotage programs and negative karma from the chakra system.9.Make the best use of Saturn Return to turn past mistakes into opportunities.10.Master a positive image, outlook, value and respect for own self and being.And much, much more! This book is lovingly dedicated to all the students and lovers of metaphysics who has a strong interest and appreciation for the art of esoteric healing and the alchemy of spirit manifestation.

Author: Vaishnav, Minkal

Topic: Love / Sex / Marriage
Media: Book
ISBN: 1980369534
Language: English
Pages: 232

Additional information

Weight 0.76 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.53 in


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