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Handbook of Human Formation: A Resource for the Cultivation of Character: Essential Foundations of the Art & Science of Human Formation for Univers


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Transform Your University, School, or Seminary Formation Programs Those of us placed in a position of authority and leadership in service of others have, by the nature of our position, the responsibility to help them become men and women of virtue and integrity, capable of cultivating that virtue and integrity in others – in a word, we are responsible for their Human Formation. This is a responsibility that we cannot afford to ignore. These individuals have been entrusted to our guidance by Providence, to cooperate in helping each one become all that he or she is meant to be in the sight of God. This is all the more so true for those with the responsibility for the Human Formation of young people in colleges, universities, seminaries, or schools. These young people are in the most formative stage in their life outside of infancy. The reality of the matter is that your actions and activities are already having an impact on their Human Formation, consciously or unconsciously, for good or for ill. By recognizing this fact and taking the appropriate steps, you can fulfill your responsibility to help each one manifest in himself or herself as far as possible the human perfection shining forth in the Incarnate Son of God. This book is for those who are responsible in some way for the Human Formation, moral development, or leadership training of others. This responsibility might be explicit or implicit, but if you have some sort of responsibility for others, be assured, the duty of having in mind the Human Formation and character development of those under your charge falls, even if only in part, on your shoulders. This particular work is written for the benefit of those individuals who intend to implement in some way a concrete program of Human Formation, especially those who intend to do so in their capacity as Residence Directors, RA’s, Residence Life Staff, Seminary Formation Faculty, or Program Coordinators. Naturally, it will also benefit many others who have in some way or other the responsibility for the formation of young men and women.

Author: Thompson, MR Cameron M

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 692302778
Language: English
Pages: 106

Additional information

Weight 0.26 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5.25 × 0.22 in


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