Addiction and Recovery in Gay and Lesbian Persons
This book provides chemical dependency clinicians a sampling of the work being done in the fields of gay and lesbian chemical dependency to enable clinicians to provide better care for their gay and lesbian clients.
After an overview of 7 research studies which examine the incidence of alcoholism and/or chemical dependency in gay and lesbian persons, the contributing authors explore the special concerns of recovering gay and lesbian addicts.
Chapters focus not only on issues in the fields of gay and lesbian chemical dependency but how clinicians can use this knowledge to better care for their gay and lesbian clients.
Readers will find new information on:
- working with HIV positive persons
- homophobia as a critical root in chemically dependent gays and lesbians
- positive changes for dysfunctional relationships common with gays and lesbians
- spirituality in gay and lesbian communities
- the special needs of the rural gay/lesbian client
- gay men’s groups in AA
- a retrospective of NALGAP
- resources and referrals for chemically dependent gay and lesbian persons
Addiction and Recovery in Gay and Lesbian Persons assists social workers and other helping professionals working with chemically dependent clients learn more about how to adequately treat them. Gay and lesbian persons recovering from a chemical addiction will also find this book enlightening.
Author: Kus, Robert J
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 156023055X
Language: English
Pages: 142
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