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Adolescence and Delinquency: An Object-Relations Theory Approach



This book applies modern object relations theory–particularly the concept of intersubjectivity as articulated by Thomas Ogden–to a population for which the “treatment du jour” is increasingly cognitive-behavioral. Taking his lead from the delinquent adolescents in his practice, Dr. Brodie presents a treatment approach based on respect rather than condescension. Adolescents are related to as people, rather than as transitory objects passing through a ‘stage.’ Rather than judging their feelings and behaviors as “aberrant,” the author views them as having emerged out of the complex matrix of his patients’ lives. Adolescence and Delinqucney: An Object Relations Theory Approach is less an attempt to apply object relations theory to a particular population than it is an attempt to illuminate the seamlessness of theory and application. Theory and case examples are presented in a dialectical relationship, psychological theory having no meaning other than an attempt to understand real people, and the people we work with are unintelligible outside some systematic frame of reference.

Author: Brodie, Bruce R Ph

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 765704730
Language: English
Pages: 185