Alice’s Law: Honoring Lost Loved Ones and Finding Deeper Meaning
After Lauren’s mother died she avoided coping for years. When she looked for grief books she couldn’t find positivity and encouragement in any of them-which she aims to fill with this book in your hands! This book is meant to be a springboard for your ideas on how to figure out what you need for your individual loss, not a stringent guide dictating how you should feel and when. “Alice’s Law” is meant to empower you to choose the tougher path of confronting loss. Lauren commends anyone brave enough to confront loss-it is a difficult journey that pays dividends to those bold enough to accept the challenge. In this book, a great deal of attention is paid to honoring lost loved ones, and the role remembrance plays in our ability, not to move on, but to thrive.
Author: Muscarella, Lauren
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 193928841X
Language: English
Pages: 198
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