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Alternative Medicine and Wellness Techniques: 14 Pathways to Integral Health


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ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AND WELLNESS TECHNIQUES is a scholarly article that outlines 14 alternative pathways or practices for achieving holistic health. When the author speaks about ‘holistic’ health, he conveys that these practices and techniques do not only cure the symptoms of a disease but also gradually but definitely remove the underlying cause of the illness.The 14 pathways outlined in the book are: – Ayurveda- Chinese Medicine- Homeopathy- Kirlian Photography- Kyodo- Naturopathy- Osteopathy- Qigong- Radionics- Reiki- Sophrology- Tai Chi Chuan- Tibetan Medicine- YogaAs Chinese medicine, next to Ayurveda, is not only the oldest of these medical, sportive or meditative practices, the author has put a particular focus upon it, explaining the basic tenets and principles, such as the duality of Yin and Yang, the two complementary energies of every organism, and the theory of the Five Elements. The booklet comes with illustrations and a complete Bibliography. It is the first of a series of scholarly articles the author intends to publish in the near future

Author: Walter, Pierre F

Topic: Consumer Health
Media: Book
ISBN: 1466461802
Language: English
Pages: 200

Additional information

Weight 0.51 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5.25 × 0.46 in


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