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Autism Handbook for Parents: Facts and Strategies for Parenting Success



Autism Handbook for Parents: Facts and Strategies for Parenting Success is written specifically for parents of children recently diagnosed with autism. Although it is a relief to know there is a name for their child’s problems and there are people out there who understand how to help, many parents are unsure what steps to take after a child is diagnosed with autism. This book offers concrete answers to parents’ questions and concerns and can be used as a guide for navigating the journey ahead. Clear and concise information on autism is provided, including how autism can affect learning and behavior. This book provides parents with the information needed to help them advocate for their child and make decisions on various treatments and educational interventions available. The author also includes advice on how to prevent many behavioral problems, how to deal with those that do occur, and how to begin teaching early skills that are critical to a child’s success. Autism Handbook for Parents is a must-have for those looking to be an effective advocate, teacher, and parent for their child with autism!

Author: Janzen, Janice E

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1593633610
Language: English
Pages: 203

Additional information

Weight 0.75 lbs
Dimensions 8.9 × 5.9 × 0.6 in


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