Autism Spectrum Disorders: Triumph Over with Ayurveda and Applied Behavior Analysis (Aba)
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Triumph over with Auyrveda and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) This book is intended for those who are involved as a parent or care taker in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders. This book may be useful to the psychology students, teachers, speech and behavior trainers and above all, the parents of children affected with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Now-a-days ABA is the prime management options for children affected with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Ayurveda as add on therapy with ABA was found to very effective in bringing back autistic children to normalcy. Ayurveda may provide good results if tried earlier even without ABA. This book is not a treatment guide for Autism Spectrum Disorders but can be used to understand the way Ayurveda works to triumph over Autism.
Author: Ramachandran Sk
Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1524635340
Language: English
Pages: 216
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