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Ayurveda & Life Impressions Bodywork



We all have holding patterns that are so habitual, that they literally leave an historic imprint on the membranes of the body. These membranes store our actions, experiences, emotions and beliefs. They in turn represent our impressions of life, in a “hard copy” of flesh. This book takes the wisdom from the East, specifically from the ancient science of Ayurveda, and combines it with a version of the Western medical model, stirs in large portions of awareness, safety, and support, adds practical visual techniques, and passes this recipe along into capable hands and hearts.

Author: Vanhowten, Donald

Topic: Consumer Health
Media: Book
ISBN: 914955241
Language: English
Pages: 296

Additional information

Weight 0.74 lbs
Dimensions 8.44 × 5.53 × 0.61 in


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