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Biological Law of Attrition



We all age because of a genetic killswitch which is designed to occur between the ages of 25 – 30. It causes biological functions to downgrade over time. It also creates side effects which add to these negative interactions. With the accumulation of both the killswitch and the side effects, we age improperly. This book will inform you how to circumvent most of these negatives and create a higher quality of life.

The process of aging takes place in the largest organ of the human body – the skin. The cell division process is retarded as we go into aging. It causes side effects that determine how we look and our ability to interact on a sexual level. In doing so, it creates a loss of elasticity that affects both facial structure and the sex organ. A secondary concern is the bone structure which deteriorates over time because of non-usage in its normal capacity. A third concern is on a mental level. When the mind is not used in its normal capacity its ability to function will deteriorate.

This book contains a method designed to counteract most of the negatives concerning aging. As you begin to understand the laws, a greater insight into how to counteract the negatives in your own genetic heritage will become apparent. By looking at our parents and ancestors aging patterns, we can bring about a change in ourselves which did not occur in them. As we also note aging changes in ourselves, we can target those changes early in the process, which brings about positive change. As always, the sooner a situation occurs and is discovered, the greater the ability to change.

Early targeting, exercise (to the point of exhaustion on an every other day basis), practicing counter resistance by isolation in every area possible creates wellness and good health throughout the entire body, mind and spirit and diminishes the negative effects of aging.

Author: Parker Jr, Clarence

Topic: Consumer Health
Media: Book
ISBN: 1937400875
Language: English
Pages: 140

Additional information

Weight 0.37 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.3 in


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