Bloomer’s Developmental Neuropsychological Assessments(dna) Volume III: Reading Skills Diagnostic Test
Reading problems are the major source of referral to Special Education or to a psychologist. Poor reading, the learners inability to read sufficiently well, inhibits progress in all other school subjects. This Volume III of the DNA takes the mystery out of reading failure. We illuminate the major causes of poor reading for each chilld, and using the Reading Skills Diagnostic Test, pinpoint those elements at fault for each individual learner. We break the reading process down to it’s elements of essential Knowledge, Capacity, and Cognitive processes. The Reading Skills Diagnostic Test (RSDT) is a teaching test. It tells a teacher, parent, or school psychologist specifically where to focus her attention to help a learner become a skilled independent reader. It gives no scores for the record books. It provides no standard scores, but it does tell the teacher specifically which letter/sounds are deficient, whether the learner has developed the sufficient capacity too learn specific reading tasks, and how skilled the learner is at performing the simple reading processes that make an independent reader.. With such specific information, the psychologist, teacher, parent, or rehabilitation therapist can easily design a remedial program to correct each individual child’s faults and speed him, toward skilled reading. The RSDT helps you cut away the frills and focus on teaching your learner to read more proficiently.
Author: Bloomer, Dr Richard H
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 099972441X
Language: English
Pages: 164
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