Bringing ABA Into Your Inclusive Classroom: A Guide to Improving Outcomes for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Ning Environment for All Their)
Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a highly effective, rigorously researched intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders–but most teachers don’t get the training they need to put it to work in their inclusive classroom. That’s why every K-12 educator needs this practical guidebook, packed with teaching plans and plain-English guidance on using ABA to improve outcomes for students with autism and behavior challenges.
Teachers will start with a systematic, start-to-finish guide that demystifies the entire ABA process, from assessment and goal setting to data collection and analysis. Then they’ll get fifty sample teaching plans that clearly demonstrate how to use ABA to support students across social, communication, behavioral, academic, and independent functioning domains. Ready to adapt to the needs of individual students, these concise sample plans give teachers specific ideas for helping children develop critical skills such as
- participating in cooperative learning activities with peers
- transitioning from class to class independently
- responding positively to peer initiations
- using simple sentences to make requests
- raising their hand to answer a question
- waiting for a turn during structured activities
- protesting appropriately using a calm voice and positive language
- communicating needs using augmentative communication
- staying in line and remaining quiet
- using the restroom without adult support
Using concrete examples every teacher can relate to, the teaching plans show how to get results using a combination of effective ABA strategies, such as explicit instruction, positive reinforcement, prompting and fading procedures, video modeling, peer-mediated interventions, social stories, and self-monitoring tools. Teachers will also get helpful guidance on developing their own ABA teaching plans to resolve their students’ classroom challenges.
With this much-needed blueprint for “quick and painless” ABA, teachers will have research-proven strategies for effectively meeting the needs of children with autism spectrum disorders–and ensuring the best possible learning environment for all their students.
Author: Leach, Debra
Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1598570773
Language: English
Pages: 176
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