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Butterflow: A Revealing and Healing Ptsd Survivor’s Anthology of Poems


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Butterflow will take you into the author’s experiences of dealing with emotional trauma and complex PTSD spanning 33 years. The author acquired complex PTSD when she was a young child, and because she wasn’t diagnosed her struggles continued into adulthood. As a consequence of the trauma and abuse she experienced, she spiraled to the depths of despair, struggling to function normally due to anxiety, stress, depression, fear, BDD and OCD. Eventually, those inner struggles led to another traumatic event in adulthood that would turn her life upside down. At the age of 36, she discovered she had complex PTSD and began the journey of understanding and healing. The poems in this book are expressive, and candid. Through the twists and turns she shares personal details of her experiences, emotions, and lessons learnt along the way. She wrote these poems as a part of her healing process, and to fearlessly express her feelings of living with PTSD.

Author: Bona, Anne

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 1542461189
Language: English
Pages: 62

Additional information

Weight 0.21 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.13 in


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