Complexity of Greatness: Beyond Talent or Practice
What are the origins of greatness? Few other questions have caused such intense debate, controversy, and diversity of opinions. In recent years, a large body of research has accumulated that suggests that the origins of greatness are extraordinarily complex. Instead of talent or practice, it’s talent and practice. Instead of nature or nature, it’s nature via nurture. Instead of practice, it’s deliberate practice. Instead of the causes of greatness in general, it’s the determinants of greatness specific to a field. The Complexity of Greatness brings together a variety of perspectives and the most cutting-edge research on genes, talent, intelligence, expertise, deliberate practice, creativity, prodigies, savants, passion, and persistence. A variety of different domains are represented, including science, mathematics, expert memory, acting, visual arts, music, and sports. This book demonstrates that the truth about greatness is far more nuanced, complex, and fascinating than any one viewpoint or paradigm can possibly reveal. Indeed, it suggests that the time has come to go beyond talent or practice. Greatness is much, much more.
Editor: Kaufman, Scott Barry
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 199794006
Language: English
Pages: 440
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