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Consciousness of Stardust


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The process by which a seemingly religious theory becomes accepted and eventually appropriated by the mainstream has always amazed me. What were once stories and visions of a theory becomes widely accepted as truth, and without any real empirical evidence, but the faith it is true, and unlocking its practical applications that impact how we live our daily lives. That’s powerful thought provoking stuff in anyone’s logic. Quantum Consciousness Theory is arguably the most successful scientific theory in human history to date, and because people aren’t getting the answers they can rationalize with……… so I propose a different path, and maybe to the same place using simpler logic that most can understand and rationalize. We are seeing scientific testing of what consciousness really is, and how it came about, and how we can use it to push the human race forward for better humanity, and it’s becoming the real truth of our existence. And that’s the point, to learn as much as we can about our existence and what it actually is, and why that is. I believe when we finally find that one theory we’re all looking for, a theory that unifies humanity, we will find it involves something that we already have within ourselves, our consciousness. Because all throughout human history the practice of what was once called ‘magic’ has always preceded science fact before it’s proven true. It’s why we keep asking ourselves WHY………. so we can find the absolute truth, and that truth works just like we thought it would. I discuss this wonderful new logic in my book, ‘The Consciousness of Stardust,” what it actually is, where it came from, and how to use your own powers you were born with to make your lives better, in an un-scientific logic the beginner can better understand. Undoubtedly those who research these ideas will shift our understanding of the workings of the universe, and, in so doing, alter the course of humankind, making humanity better for all of our lives. I know it’s worked for me, and that’s why I researched this book, to share my logic of consciousness with those who seek to better themselves through their own consciousness, for humanity’s sake!

Author: Fetter, Jim

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1548172898
Language: English
Pages: 94

Additional information

Weight 0.71 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.24 in


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