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Critical Thinking: Techniques for Improved Critical Thinking and Decision Making Skills



We have all heard of critical thinking, but what does it really mean, and why is it relevant to you? You may assume that, outside of the classroom, this skill doesn’t matter, but that isn’t true. This book will show you the following: – What will Critical Thinking Give You? No matter what profession you are in or what subject you study, critical thinking can help you get better at it. It helps with solo projects and group projects, and the general ability to solve problems. – Questions to Ask Yourself: When you commit to thinking critically, what questions should you ask when encountering information? How can you tell the difference between a rational thought and a personal bias? This book will show you. – Logic over Emotion: Have you ever felt like you can’t control your emotions or that they get you into trouble? Then you definitely need critical thinking skills. Critical thinking means making decisions based on logic instead of feelings. This doesn’t mean you can’t still use your feelings, but you will no longer be ruled by them in everything you do, like many people are. – Decision Making Methods: In what ways can you make decisions that are best for you? How are you to know which decision is best? This book will give you proven methods for doing just that. As you can see, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by teaching yourself the valuable skill of critical thinking and effective problem solving. Learn this now and you will thank yourself down the road. So what are you waiting for? Take action, not now, but right now, and grab your copy, today!

Author: Hammond, K L

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1545504288
Language: English
Pages: 80

Additional information

Weight 0.19 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 0.17 in


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