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Non-suicidal self-injury has been in existence to some extent for centuries. Today, the practices are increasing in terms of the number of people engaging in this often-baffling behavior. By the use of accessible language, rich descriptions of concepts, and realistic case examples, Cutting and Self Harm seeks to demystify these behaviors that afflict self-injuring individuals and negatively impact their family members and friends.

Author Chris Simpson, PhD, has written and presented on the subject of self-harm since 2001. He begins the book by answering the question “What is cutting and self-harm and how does it occur?” and by explaining important terms and concepts related to the behavior. He then covers current controversies about self-harming behaviors and addresses frequently confusing topics, such as the contributing factors to self-injury, psychopharmacological treatment of the behavior, and the use of group therapeutic approaches in treatment facilities. The final section of the book presents additional resources for those impacted by self-injury.

Author: Simpson, Chris

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 161069872X
Language: English
Pages: 193