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Danzen: Movement Therapy


SKU: INR-9781505466249 Category: Tags: , , ,


Danzen is a new movement therapy for health and happiness developed by Special Educator and author T.E. Pelton. Danzen enhances posture and improves motor skills, as well as mental and physical dexterity. Research shows movement therapy and dance art benefit everyone especially those with mental, emotional and neurological challenges such as autism, ADD/ADHD or learning disabilities. This step-by-step guide is used by Danzen teachers and students for daily practice. You will learn how to balance the Atlas bone for cranial-sacral alignment and improve posture (even long term postural misalignment). You will be able to create dances that improve your strength, dexterity and self-expression. Most of all, when practicing Danzen we are almost always smiling. And smiling changes our whole being. Students report they feel more alive, more youthful and happier after each session. Over the days, weeks and months that you continue your Danzen practice you’ll enjoy improved posture benefitting your health by relieving pressure on your spine. Quite possibly, you too will notice a happier outlook on life. In Danzen you’ll learn basic movements from dance styles all over the world. You can be a dancer no matter what your level of physical ability or past training, Most of all, you’ll enjoy a movement practice that helps you feel happier and healthier every day.

Author: Pelton, T E

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1505466245
Language: English
Pages: 72

Additional information

Weight 0.21 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.15 in


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