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Discordance; A Soliloquy in Insomnia


SKU: INR-9781548243562 Categories: , Tags: , ,


“Fear is nothing but an illusion that we feed with the chaos that surrounds us…but it isn’t the end of the story, but more of the first word of a new chapter that has yet to be written. ” Discordance is an experimental book featuring seven writers and four artists, none of which knew what the others were doing for the project. The book is a projection of the strangeness of real life and the chaos it contains. Written with no set topic or formatting, it gives a glimpse into the thoughts and lives of people from various walks of life.

Author: Desade, Josef, Illustrator: O’Brien, William, Author: Stoic, Jade

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1548243566
Language: English
Pages: 236

Additional information

Weight 0.71 lbs
Dimensions 9.02 × 5.98 × 0.5 in


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