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Dissociation in the Philippines


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Is dissociative identity disorder (DID) only a Western phenomenon or is it also a relevant diagnosis among Asians? The study on which this book is based, the first of its kind in the Philippines, examined normal dissociation, dissociative symptoms, dissociative disorders, and traumatic experiences, in a sample of Filipino students. Quantitative measures of the above were obtained through administering instruments that have been used in many countries world-wide. Qualitative data was gathered through use of a semi-structured interview which allowed the subjective experiences of participants to be examined. A study of terms used to describe dissociative symptoms in various Filipino languages added to a cultural understanding of dissociation as experienced by Filipinos. Findings revealed that Filipinos experience both normal dissociative experiences and dissociative symptoms. While there were cultural nuances, symptom profiles of dissociative disorders, including DID, were very similar to those found in other parts of the globe. The language study also contributed to some new understandings of dissociation

Author: Davediuk Gingrich Heather

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 3848417987
Language: English
Pages: 384