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Diversity in Psychotherapy: The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender



This challenging and insightful work wrestles with the difficult treatment problems confronting both culturally and socially oppressed clients and psychotherapists in a society where diversity has often been resisted. The authors question long-held assumptions within the profession and urge recognition of new ethnic, racial, and gender realities which significantly impact therapies. Recognizing the implications of cultural diversity in the society, the authors-clinicians seek to broaden health professionals’ awareness of clients’ needs and to promote the requisite empathy. They describe how ethnic, racial, and gender issues affect psychotherapy’s progress and outcomes. Specific concerns about such key factors as self-esteem, gender roles, and social regard are addressed in a context supportive of diversity enhancement rather than one seeking uniformity. Case studies offer highly valuable resource material and, through the authors’ explication, insights into their challenging perspectives on this highly important health service.

Author: Chin, Jean Lau, Author: De La Cancela, Victor, Author: Jenkins, Yvonne M

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 275941809
Language: English
Pages: 224