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Emma Meets the Grief Monster


SKU: INR-9781530868254 Category: Tags: , ,


The Emma meets the Grief Monster book series is for children (and former children) everywhere. Losses, both great and small, are a part of every human life and it’s time for children to be comforted and reassured in that. Grief is something to experience and express as fully as possible in order to lead a most healthy, fulfilling life. Emma’s on the basketball team. She loves the game. She loves playing. She even loves practicing. But, one day after school all that changes. She watches helplessly as her father walks out the door with suitcase in hand. And, he isn’t going on a business trip. That night, Emma can’t sleep. She tosses. She turns. She cries. Then with a loud SWOOOOOOOSSSSSH, the Grief Monster makes his first appearance.

Author: Trauco, Gail

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1530868254
Language: English
Pages: 38

Additional information

Weight 0.32 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.1 in


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