Encyclopedia of Hypnotherapy, Stage Hypnosis & Complete Mind Therapy – Vol 2: More Truths about Hypnosis Exposed
With over 360 Pages of Liquid Gold Information, this book starts where Volume One of “The Encyclopedia of Hypnotherapy, Stage Hypnosis & Complete Mind Therapy” ended and will prove invaluable reading for the Novice or even Established Professional Hypnotist alike. There are comprehensive Sections on Health & Safety and Risk Assessments for The Stage Hypnotist, for Group Therapy Sessions and also for when treating individual clients. You’ll learn what is arguably the Worlds Safest and most effective approach to Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Treatment Sessions. Discover how to conduct Enjoyable and Highly Profitable Hypnotic Past Life Regression Sessions. Learn The Secrets of Noesitherapy both for Pain Control and also to easily, rapidly and effectively treat most every problem and health issue you can think of. Plus you’ll be enlightened to the use of Mesmeric Passes and other powerful Hypnosis Techniques that are rarely if ever taught by other trainers. And if that’s not enough you’ll also learn Dual Reality Hypnosis and How To Never Fail when giving Public Demonstrations of the Power of Hypnosis. From treating simple things such as Smoking Cessation and Weight Loss, all the way through to tried, tested and proven to work Strategies and treatment methods for high end issues such as Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, this book has it all. You’ll learn how to help with the Symptoms of such serious illnesses and diseases as Cancer and AID’s whilst also learning techniques that can help Asthma, Eczema, Psoriasis and numerous other Medical Issues and Complaints. It would be fair to say that after studying the contents of both this book and also Volume One (also available on Amazon and from all good book stores) you will then know more that is of practical use in the real world of Hypnotherapy and Stage Hypnosis than the vast majority of so called Skilled and Established Professional Hypnotists in the world today. Included is also a reprint of some thoughts and approaches to Hypnotherapy by the authors original Hypnosis Instructor and Mentor The Late and Great Delavar. In this, Volume Two, Dr. Jonathan Royle is joined by his Colleagues Dr. Wilf Archer, Dr. Brian Howard, Alasdair Bothwell Gordon, Stuart “Harrizon” Cassels and of course Delavar to bring you the highest quality of training. But remember to gain the most from this book you would be wise to have studied (or order at same time) Volume One. And to add the icing to the cake, for the first time in print Royle Reveal’s the True Psychological Keys To Success in all forms of Mind Therapies. Once you have a total understanding of these 7 Positive Pillars and also the Four Positive Foundations you will easily be able to help most any person with most any issue you could ever possibly imagine to achieve things and change things in all areas of their life way beyond their wildest dreams. We honestly feel that This Chapter on “The Keys to Hypnotic Success” is worth many times the cost of this book alone for those who study it, absorb it, understand it and then put the valuable insights and teachings it contains into use in the real world. Indeed taking notice of that Chapter alone will make you a far more Confident, Competant, Successful and Effective Hypnotist whether your desire is to work as a Hypnotherapist, a Comedy Stage Hypnotist or indeed both. And when you consider that Volume Two (this book) sells for just $47 and that Volume One is only $30, then for a total investment of just $77 your Hypnosis Education will be complete. You could waste hundreds and hundreds of pounds on various NLP and Hypnosis Books or grab This and also Volume One of this Encyclopedia and then you truly will know everything that you’ll ever need to know for Hypnosis Success and will have saved yourself a fortune into the bargain.
Author: Royle, Jonathan
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1481979876
Language: English
Pages: 364
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