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Energy Boost- Increase Your Energy Levels in 7 Days: Secrets for a Physical and Psychological Makeover- Detox Plan to Lose Weight, Kill the Stress, Fe


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Do you feel like you are constantly confronting obstacles to the dreams you want to manifest? Are you clearly able to see the life and health you want to achieve, putting in the time and effort on powerful affirmations, visualizations, and spiritual work, but frustrated with your progress? Toxins are holding you back! From great Hay House teachers and modern science, we know that it is not only important to focus on what we want-whether it be radiant health, increase in energy levels, weight loss, beautiful skin, joy, or abundance-but we also have to be able to make the shift on the cellular level-changing every cell in our body and brain in order to manifest those goals. Truth is, your physical body is a chemical producing machine that shapes the way you look, feel, think, and behave. You can’t think greater than you feel because your body is incapable of creating the proper brain chemicals to create those good feeling states. And how you feel influences the body’s ability to heal and regenerate, lose weight, experience happiness, and reach states of higher energy. You need a serious program and most modern cleanses are flawed. They don’t address the way our bodies are naturally built to detox. They also only focus on the physical body, overlooking the fact that for deep lasting transformation, we must also cleanse emotionally and spiritually. Internal toxins and external toxic people and situations need to be addressed simultaneously for the deep, lasting transformation.

Author: Lippi, Federica

Topic: Consumer Health
Media: Book
ISBN: 1517507197
Language: English
Pages: 166

Additional information

Weight 0.51 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.35 in


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