Ethics of Labeling in Mental Health
The myths of mental illness are numerous and negatively affect the lives of patients on a regular basis. For this reason they demand exposure and rectification, and this book proposes the means to accomplish both. The focus of this book is the institution of professional mental health as it operates in America today, specifically addressing how the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSMMD), the primary resource used in the mental health profession, has influenced much larger social issues. Chapters are organized around the discussion of prominent myths of the mental health system. Case studies of mental health patients are presented to illustrate the serious misfortunes that befall individuals who have been mislabeled and mistreated. As the examples reveal, in many instances the patients’ lives have been plagued by the designation of mental “disorders” that perhaps never existed. The book challenges the mental health system to evolve beyond the DSMMD focus on pathology and develop a more humane method of addressing the functional needs of patients. International perspectives are presented, and specific steps are outlined for providing mental health services that adequately serve individuals with serious and persistent mental illnesses.
Author: Madsen, Kristie, Author: Leech, Peter
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 786428724
Language: English
Pages: 200
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