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Evidence-Based School Counseling: A Student Success Approach



Evidence-Based School Counseling presents a unique method for training graduate students to become effective school counselors that is presented in a “Tell, Show, Do, Coach” approach to instruction and reflective of ASCA, CACREP, and CAEP standards. This method is based on three interrelated components: (a) the ASCA National Model, especially its Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success and its related student competencies, (b) the extensive research base associated with social/emotional learning (SEL), non-cognitive factors and college/career readiness, and (c) evidence-based programs tied to this research base and suited to school counselor implementation. The text highlights how the new ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success have been modeled after this research base and provides resources for school counselors to find evidence-based programs and interventions connected to this research. Evidence-Based School Counseling provides extensive practice and coaching so students can arrive at practicum and internship feeling confident, and they can hit the ground running as they start their careers.

Author: Brigman, Greg, Author: Villares, Elizabeth, Author: Webb, Linda

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 113895666X
Language: English
Pages: 312