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Families and Mental Retardation: New Directions in Professional Practice



Traditional pathology models do not provide a satisfactory framework for professional practice with families of people with mental retardation. Families and Mental Retardation is written from the perspective of a competence paradigm for professional practice, which offers a constructive alternative to the more prevalent pathology models of the past. The goal of professional practice is to empower families in coping with the catastrophic stressor of mental retardation. Such an approach recognizes the strengths and resources of families, which have often been minimized in the past, and fosters new collaborative modes of family-professional relationships.

Unique features include a consideration of life-span and family system and subsystem perspectives, as well as the inclusion of powerful personal accounts of family members. The volume is likely to be of special value to mental health and health care professionals, who often receive little training in mental retardation or family-professional relations, and who tend to apply a pathology model. In contrast, a competence paradigm is more prevalent in education.

Author: Marsh, Diane T

Topic: Politics / Current Events
Media: Book
ISBN: 275940144
Language: English
Pages: 272