Forensic Evaluation of Juveniles
In recent years, juvenile courts and juvenile attorneys have come to rely heavily on mental health professionals for evaluations of youths in delinquency cases. Evaluation questions include the youth’s competence to stand trial, competence to waive Miranda rights prior to giving a confession, the risk of future violence, rehabilitation needs, and whether he or she should be tried as a juvenile or an adult.
This book offers detailed guidance in performing evaluations for all of these purposes. Written for clinicians but also useful to lawyers and others dealing with such evaluations, each chapter carefully defines the legal and clinical questions for a particular type of evaluation, describes the evaluation process in detail, reviews relevant assessment methods, and discusses issues in interpretation and testimony. The descriptions are guided by current legal requirements and the latest research results in the behavioral and medical sciences, blended with practical advice derived from the author’s 25 years of experience in the forensic evaluation of juveniles. The introductory chapter examines the historical, legal, scientific, and professional contexts in which clinicians engage in forensic evaluations of juveniles, and the closing chapter offers a comprehensive review of the ethical and professional issues involved in juvenile forensic practice.
Author: Grisso, Thomas
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1568871449
Language: English
Pages: 304
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