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Foster-Adoption Story: Angela and Michael’s Journey: A Therapeutic Workbook for Traumatized Children


SKU: INR-9781448643677 Category: Tags: , ,


A Foster-Adoption Story tells the story of a brother and sister experiencing abuse, neglect, multiple foster care moves, sibling separation, and eventually adoption. The goal of this workbook is to open the door to discuss difficult topics; issues like abuse, neglect, birth parents, and loyalty conflicts. It can be used as an aid in helping children heal; one that allows them to read about “kids like me.” Youngsters can color the pictures as they wish and share their feelings as they go along. This workbook will be a useful therapeutic tool to help children process their experiences and grief along the path to healing.

Author: Kupecky Lsw, Regina M, With: Mitchell, Christine, Illustrator: Mitchell, Christine

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1448643678
Language: English
Pages: 32

Additional information

Weight 0.19 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 0.07 in


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