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Grief Sucks… But Love Bears All Things: How Grief Tore Me Apart and Put Me Back Together



Gayle Taylor Davis had it all — a husband she adored, two successful daughters, and a career she enjoyed. Then one phone call took it all away, when a policeman called to tell her that her husband of 32 years had suddenly died of a heart attack. Plunged into the strange new world of grief, Davis began to write to make sense of her experience.
Grief Sucks: But Love Bears All Things is Davis’s personal account of how she climbed out of grief, step by painful step — a no-holds-barred look at personal pain that is rarely shared or talked about. Davis reveals the worst moments of her grief — days of tears, nights of wailing, and thoughts of suicide– and teaches the reader through her example that one can survive the worst.
A brutally honest and intimate portrayal of raw grief in all its pain and ugliness, Grief Sucks rejects simpleminded words of comfort to address loss with simple home truths: This is the worst pain you will ever feel. And you will survive it.

Author: Davis, Gayle Taylor

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1610351959
Language: English
Pages: 85

Additional information

Weight 0.33 lbs
Dimensions 8.96 × 6.13 × 0.3 in


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