Haunted by Combat: Understanding Ptsd in War Veterans
Since 1990, U.S. Veterans’ centers have treated more than 1.6 million PTSD-affected men and women, including an estimated 100,000 from the Gulf War and an untallied total from the Iraq and Afghanistan fronts. The number also includes World War II veterans, because PTSD does not fade easily. Sufferers may experience the traumatic events in flashbacks that may seem as real as when they first occurred. Using firsthand accounts, the authors offer insights into the realities of PTSD and combat trauma, and how symptoms may pervade even the most mundane of daily activities and cause sufferers to experience withdrawal, depression, violence, rage, and even suicide. In a new epilogue, the authors offer data about treatments and resources that both PTSD sufferers and their families and friends will value.
Author: Paulson, Daryl S, Author: Krippner, Stanley
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1442203919
Language: English
Pages: 203
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