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Help Me Help Her: A Therapist’s Guide to Treating Survivors of Domestic Violence



I know the subject of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault from the inside out. I survived the horror of being abused by my husband for nine years, and later started a Domestic Violence ministry that has grown larger than anything I ever anticipated. From researching victims and therapists and spending countless hours counseling the women who have come through the ministry, I have learned this: Most therapists are underprepared to help in the way they most hope, and the way victims most need. This guide is my way of helping you help them.

Author: Yaffa, Jessica, Author: Franco, Dave

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 098896970X
Language: English
Pages: 104

Additional information

Weight 0.27 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 0.25 in


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