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How to Talk to a Narcissist



Much has been written about narcissism, addressing not only its theoretical aspects, its psychodynamics and the defense mechanisms within the spectrum of various kinds of narcissists. Yet, little if anything has been written about how to actually communicate with one, or what Lachkar refers to as the “Language of Empathology.” This book focuses on specific communication styles in addressing patients with severe narcissistic personality pathology which can be extremely beneficial to mental health professionals, who are often inundated with technical terms rather than offered a practical guide on how to actually “talk” to a narcissist.

How to Talk to a Narcissist is designed to be a guide useful to both beginning and seasoned practitioners. The book is recommended to all clinicians treating individuals, couples, groups, within the scope of various narcissistic personality disorders. The book has many applications, including use as a textbook for universities, clinics, graduate courses, and analytic training institutes. People in business, partnerships, commercial sales, and human resources will also find the approach to communicating with a narcissist most valuable.

Author: Lachkar, Joan

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 415958555
Language: English
Pages: 160

Additional information

Weight 0.94 lbs
Dimensions 9.25 × 6.44 × 0.66 in


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