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Infancy: Development from Birth to Age 3- (Value Pack W/Mysearchlab)



MySearchLab provides students with a complete understanding of the research process so they can complete research projects confidently and efficiently. Students and instructors with an internet connection can visit and receive immediate access to thousands of full articles from the EBSCO ContentSelect database. In addition, MySearchLab offers extensive content on the research process itself-including tips on how to navigate and maximize time in the campus library, a step-by-step guide on writing a research paper, and instructions on how to finish an academic assignment with endnotes and bibliography. “Infancy” provides students with enough detail, without overwhelming them, in order to understand methodological issues, explore both practically and theoretically important topics, and engage students in thinking critically about development from birth to age 3.. Students understand the role of infant development research and how they may apply it to their own lives as well as the broader implications upon public policies. Students also understand the relevant historical information in many of the chapters to provide a broader perspective and highlight how far we’ve come in our understanding of the first 3 years of life. Issues of diversity and multicultural experience are also incorporated into virtually every chapter, illustrating how nature and nurture work together. Conception and Birth, Infant Development, Infant Cognition, Physical Development, Socio-emotional Development, Child Care and Intervention Infant Development, Theories of Development, and Early Childhood Development

Author: Gross, Dana

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 205702821
Language: English