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Integral Psychology: Yoga, Growth, and Opening the Heart



Integral Psychology connects Eastern and Western approaches to psychology and healing. Psychology in the East has focused on our inner being and spiritual foundation of the psyche. Psychology in the West has focused on our outer being and the wounding of the body-heart-mind and self. Each requires the other to complete it, and in bringing them together an integral view of psychology comes into view.

The classical Indian yogas are used as a way to see psychotherapy: psychotherapy as behavior change or karma yoga; psychotherapy as mindfulness practice or jnana yoga; psychotherapy as opening the heart or bhakti yoga. Finally, an integral approach is suggested that synthesizes traditional Western and Eastern practices for healing, growth, and transformation.

Author: Cortright, Brant

Topic: New Age / Body, Mind & Spirit
Media: Book
ISBN: 791470717
Language: English
Pages: 232

Additional information

Weight 1.05 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6.2 × 0.8 in


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