Ip-Psy 102: The Psychology of the Infection Prevention – Corrugated Care – Your Map for Navigating the Hazards of Hospital Cardboa
Corrugated cardboard is gross! In the healthcare setting, it CAN be especially bad, depending on where it is. But is it bad enough to completely get rid of it? Putting aside emotion, what are the TRUE risks, and what do science, standards, and guidelines say? This booklet provides the FACTS that surveyors will use when looking at how and where cardboard is stored in your hospital or healthcare facility. It provides verbiage about cardboard from AORN, ANSI/AAMI, Joint Commission, and others. This booklet also dives DEEP into understanding WHY different stakeholders act how they do, and how you are able to use the understanding of these facets of human behavior to your advantage when dealing with cardboard-related issues. Inside, you will find lists of organisms that live in cardboard, tools to help decide WHO should help write a policy on cardboard, what should be on the policy, and the cognitive biases that are usually present as people from different departments think about cardboard. Because Cardboard issues are often associated with REGULATORY visits, this book is FULL of ways to navigate a Joint Commission (or other) visit and how to respectfully challenge a cardboard-related regulatory finding or citation. Finally, you’ll find some practice questions and a bit of dry humor as well! Thank you for your support and for considering this publication!
Author: Rusbarsky Mph CIC Cssgb, Stephen
Topic: Study Guides
Media: Book
ISBN: 1719995133
Language: English
Pages: 36
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