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Irritable Male Syndrome: Understanding and Managing the 4 Key Causes of Depression and Aggression



From the best-selling author of Male Menopause comes another life-transforming book for men-and the women who love them-on overcoming the mood and behavior changes caused by fluctuating male hormones. Jed Diamond presents the most up-to-date research from around the globe to reveal why so many normally loving husbands, fathers, and sons suddenly become irritable, angry, and withdrawn. He identifies the four common triggers of Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS)-fluctuating testosterone levels, biochemical imbalances, loss of masculine identity, and stress-and then shows how best to treat this condition that, research shows, affects up to 30 percent of males, especially those in adolescence and midlife.

Just as PMS is now acknowledged to be a problem in women, IMS-thanks to this book-is gaining recognition as an affliction among men. By revolutionizing the detection, understanding, and treatment of this condition, The Irritable Male Syndrome is bringing relief and happiness back to the lives of millions.

Author: Diamond, Jed

Topic: Consumer Health
Media: Book
ISBN: 1594862915
Language: English
Pages: 291