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Meditations: Selections from the 1989 Blue Book


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I have many times been asked for an explanation of the Aiglon Meditation, why we have them and how we conduct them, both by those called to lead them, and by others interested in the idea. The following, therefore, is a brief explanation which I hope may be helpful to those interested. The Meditation takes the place of morning prayers or morning assembly in other schools. It has been practised at Aiglon since the school’s foundation in 1949. I regard it as the centre of the life of the school, and the point from which its whole character and sense of purpose stems. Members of the staff are therefore required to attend at least twice a week, and many attend every day if they can. All the boys and girls, regardless of creed, are required to attend. At the beginning of each scholastic year I give an explanation of the nature and purpose of the Meditation and go through the ‘drill’ of physical and mental relaxation and of placing the mind in an attitude of quietness and contemplation. There are, of course, days when the Meditation ‘takes’ better than other days, and periods when individuals are more susceptible to its influence than others, but this is what one would expect. Leaders of the Meditation should be chosen with care as not everyone can do it successfully. A suitable senior student can occasionally be invited to take a Meditation. In the notes which follow, I hope you will not think that I consider that I myself come up to the standards I here lay down. I am only too aware of my own shortcomings in this as in other things, but one can only make progress if one has clearly fixed in one’s mind the goal at which one is aiming. Purpose: To bring boys and girls into direct contact with spiritual influences so that they may the better know and understand God. Form: The Hall door is shut at 8.03 and boys and girls take their places; 8.05 a.m. the person taking Meditation walks up to the platform, which is the signal for silence. Staff should take their places by 5 minutes to 8. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THIS EBOOK at

Author: Senn, Theodore, Editor: Haigh, John

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1539743349
Language: English
Pages: 164

Additional information

Weight 0.43 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.35 in


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