Moral Issues in Psychology: Personalist Contributions to Selected Problems
This book contains, in revised form, the invited papers which were delivered at the second conference organized by the Institute for Personalist Psychology (IPP), entitled “Moral Issues in Psychology.” This conference served as a forum in which many different moral questions which concern psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors could be explicitly raised and investigated. This volume will challenge the reader to consider critically new aspects of the relationship between psychology and morality or ethics. Co-published with the Institute for Personalist Psychology. Contents: The Complete Moral Person: Anatomy and Formation, Marvin W. Berkowitz; Moral Goodness and Mental Health, Josef Seifert; Hatred and Forgiveness: Major Moral Dilemmas, Paul C. Vitz and Philip Mango; Becoming Responsible for Pain: Contradictions in Pain Management, Robert Kugelmann; Can Psychology Discover Moral Norms?: Psychology, Ethics and the Naturalistic Fallacy, Howard H. Kendler; Response to Kendler’s “Psychology, Ethics and the Naturalistic Fallacy,” John F. Crosby; Religion and Science, Howard H. Kendler; Response to Kendler’s Response, John F. Crosby; Psychology and Philosophy: Points of Contract and Divergence: Is Psychology a Part of Philosophy? The Problem of Induction in Empirical Research, Richard W. Cross; On Induction: Response to Cross, John R. White; The Gnostic Core of Jungian Psychology: Radiating Effects on the Moral Order, Jeffrey Burke Satinover.
Author: DuBois, James M
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 761805427
Language: English
Pages: 182
Additional information
Weight | 2 lbs |
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