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Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy: Current Issues in Assessment, Treatment and Research



This important book reviews the current state of knowledge of Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy, a type of child abuse which causes wide concern. Two main areas are covered, which will be of particular interest: new directions in research, and treatment of the perpetrator in and outside the family. The book also considers the ethical and legal issues raised by this problematic behaviour, which involves many different types of professionals and has a heavy cost not only for services but also for victims and perpetrators.Unlike other books, this volume provides a multidisciplinary perspective, with input from social workers, paediatricians, child-psychiatrists and lawyers, among others. It also offers an international perspective, with contributors from the USA, Canada and Australia.

Editor: Adshead, Gwen, Editor: Brooke, Deborah, Editor: Mitchell, Ian

Topic: Medical / Nursing
Media: Book
ISBN: 1860941346
Language: English
Pages: 252