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My Last Hit



His drug addiction began in Fayetteville, NC in the early 1990s. For 15 years he battled his addiction, landing him homeless on the streets and in and out of several different penitentiary systems. But he eventually overcame his demons and June 18th, 2018 marked the 11-year clean date for the author and publisher. My Last Hit will be Divine Ortiz’s tenth solo book release under the ZitrO Publications label; a fast-growing publishing company owned by Divine Ortiz himself and his wife Nikki Ortiz.
One needs only to Google Divine OrtiZ or ZitrO Publications to read of the many accomplishments and accolades attributed to this Urban publishing company (with over 50 books published to date in English, Spanish, eBook and paperback) and its CEO, Amazon best-selling author Divine OrtiZ.
But what you will never see in any Google search results are the details of Divine OrtiZ’s 15 year on and off battle with crack addiction that took him on a journey through state after state and prison after prison. Those who know Divine Ortiz know him as the controversial and outspoken owner of one of the fastest growing urban publishing companies in business today, but with the coming of his ten-year anniversary of being free from drugs and cigarettes, Divine has decided to share a part of him that he has kept close for so long.
After a 15-year drug addiction, over 15 years in over 35 different prisons all over the country, Divine Ortiz stepped out of the United States Penitentiary in Pollock, LA on March 7th, 2012 with a duffle bag full of handwritten novels and a dream to be a published author and to one day own a publishing company to help the authors that are incarcerated. Having once signed a multi-book deal with bestselling author and publisher Teri Woods that went sour, Divine was determined to overcome.
And overcome he did.
Seven years since his release and Divine has not looked back. On the verge of opening a ZitrO Publications office in Fayetteville, NC he wanted to “get it off his chest.” He wants it to be known that not all addicts remain addicts. Some convicts can indeed change. He wants this to be a message to anyone who ever thought that they couldn’t do change. It is never too late.
Read his amazing and inspirational story on Feb 1st, 2019 when his book is released on eBook and paperback

Author: Ortiz, Divine, Cover Design by: Ortiz, Nikki

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 1948091232
Language: English
Pages: 382