Neurorealism: Paradigm-Shift Revelations from LSD Microdosing
If you read this book, you will never be the same. Because, you will understand the discoveries
described by Neuroscientist, Bruce Morton, who by self-experimentation by LSD microdosing uncovered the nature of
the Ego. This enabled him repeatedly to inhibit his ego and experience “Ego Death and Transcendence.”
While his ego was incapacitated, Dr Morton experienced a discharge of impacted traumatic memories
as he saw his life flash before his eyes. Then, he became aware of the profound, sublime consciousness
of a brain element, normally suppressed by the Ego. This Social Brain element “Source” gave Dr. Morton
many startling but intuitively more accurate approximations about life, universe, and reality, described
in this book. Since this inner Source obviously had his purpose, his plan, and the ability to accomplish it,
Dr. Morton surrendered himself to it. His Source then directed him to obtain experimental evidence of
the accuracy of these revelations, including the 21 paradigm shifts described in this book. Dr. Morton
has thus far published ten peer-review neuroscience research reports confirming these new ideas. In this
book you will find ways certain to produce a similar transformation in yourself from a smart, but
suffering primate into a wise, happy human being.
Author: Morton, Bruce Eldine
Topic: New Age / Body, Mind & Spirit
Media: Book
ISBN: 983341753
Language: English
Pages: 384
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