Physical Development in the Early Years Foundation Stage
The Practical Guidance in the Early Years Foundation Stage series will assist practitioners in the smooth and successful implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Each book gives clear and detailed explanations of each aspect of Learning and Development and encourages readers to consider each area within its broadest context to expand and develop their own knowledge and good practice.
Practical ideas and activities for all age groups are offered along with a wealth of expertise of how elements from the practice guidance can be implemented within all early years settings. The books include suggestions for the innovative use of everyday ressources, popular books and stories.
This book will both raise the awareness of readers to how physical development impacts on all areas of learning and general development. The author encourages practitioners to think about what physical activity actually means for children and the importance of balancing risk and challenge, providing opportunities for children to be active and interactive and to use their senses to learn about the world around them.
Author: Nurse, Angela D
Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 415479061
Language: English
Pages: 156
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