Playing with Fire: Training for Those Working with Young People in Conflict Second Edition
Playing with Fire is a structured manual and training programme to help youth and conflict practitioners work with young people caught up in conflict and violence. All aspects of conflict are covered, from the initial igniting spark to the roaring blaze. The manual includes ideas and session plans that can be adapted to the needs of a particular group. Sessions include exercises and activities that explore situations of conflict, develop skills to deal with them, and rehearse techniques for future use. The training section outlines how to deliver the programme, including how to use role-play and work constructively with conflict in the training room. This second edition includes new sessions on working with issues of identity and prejudice and working with wider community issues, as well as new exercises and activities. Appendices include alternative session plans and ideas on games and group work exercises. This is a valuable guide for youth practitioners and all those working with young people who face conflict or violence.
Author: Fine, Nic, Author: Broadwood, Jo, Author: Macbeth, Fiona, Author: Pitcher, Nik, Author: Haslam, Carey
Topic: Sociology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1849051844
Language: English
Pages: 240
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