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Poker Face in Mental Health Practice: A Primer on Deception Analysis and Detection



The book begins with an introduction to some basic concepts concerning deception, with particular emphasis on “what it is” and “what it isn’t.” It then looks at the motivations behind and methods of deception in mental health practice, as well as the common contexts in which deception occurs. Finally, with an eye toward the detection of deception, the book looks at the game of poker as a “clinical case study” to explore whether the popular notion of “tells” has any relevance to the practice of mental health treatment.

This short and uniquely illustrated guide will help mental health professionals determine when, why, and how their clients may lie to them. With some of the analysis based on insights from the world of poker players, readers will learn about methods of deception, reasons why clients deceive them, and the best methods to uncover the truth.

Author: Haroun, Ansar, Author: Naimark, David

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 393706990
Language: English
Pages: 143