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Prevention Practice in Substance Abuse



Here is helpful information about joint activities for prevention researchers and practitioners. Prevention Practice in Substance Abuse provides cutting-edge information related to prevention research and practice. Too frequently, researchers and practitioners do not communicate from a basic understanding of concepts and principles. This book begins to fill that void by providing information and recommendations for practitioners and researchers to develop projects jointly so both groups become more effective in their work.

Chapters in Prevention Practice in Substance Abuse are grouped into three areas: background chapters contain information related to prevention in the United States, data-based chapters present the most recent national and international evaluation findings, and conceptual chapters stimulate thought about drug abuse prevention. A concluding chapter explores recommendations for joint activities and presents methods for both practice and research to enhance knowledge development. Specific topics addressed by the contributing authors include:

  • mass media campaigns
  • morality and substance abuse
  • Hungarian adolescent drug abuse
  • parenting practices
  • social influences-oriented substance abuse prevention curricula
  • choosing a paradigm to guide research and practice

    Prevention Practice in Substance Abuse is an ideal guide for drug and alcohol practitioners and researchers who wish to become more effective in their work using strategies for cooperating with each other to combat the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol.

Author: Leukefeld, Carl G, Author: Clayton, Richard R

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 1560247347
Language: English
Pages: 192

Additional information

Weight 1.05 lbs
Dimensions 8.6 × 6.1 × 0.8 in


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