Primordial Psyche: A Reliving of the Soul of Ancestors: A Jungian and Transpersonal Worldview
Primordial Psyche (iUniverse 2011) introduces innovative perspectives to personality disorders and their connection with the unconscious phenomena, tribal rituals in pre-ancestral religions, magical thinking and animistic thought as well as visionary revelations in ancient worldviews from an archetypal perspective.This Jungian synthesis by Diego Pignatelli introduces a new positive evolutionary theory of borderline psychosis, the relationship between the creative individual and the society, creativity as well as the Hero archetype and the archetype of meaning, the methods and avenues of cutting-edge explorations of transpersonal psychology to primordial psyche and shamanic experiences for healing, insight and growth, including holotropic therapy and consciousness research and some difference with Jungian therapy in coping with the archetypal experiences through a revaluation of Jungian thought and analytical psyc
Author: Spinazzola, Diego Pignatelli
Topic: New Age / Body, Mind & Spirit
Media: Book
ISBN: 1450284566
Language: English
Pages: 128
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